Instagram Top Flight Virtual
Get added to Top Flight Virtual on Instagram
You'll have access to Top Flight Virtual where we'll share videos & photos that won't be shared with the public. There will be 3 live workouts daily, meal prep tips, health tips, form & technique help, explanations, Q&As, & more!
Please follow the Instructions below/ Read attached documents (SELECT THE "VIEW CONTENT" TAB IN EMAIL CONFIRMATION TO VIEW ATTACHED DOCUMENTS):
-Before checkout is complete, verify that your email is correct (as this is the email that your email confirmation will be sent to).
- Once your payment is complete, please respond to your email confirmation (the one that says "You're subscribed to Top Flight Virtual') with your IG handle and submit a follow request to the private page. Double check that your IG handle is correct.
-If you didn't receive an email confirmation, check your spam. If not there, then send an email to for further assistance. Please DO NOT send a DM, or COMMENT on a post in regards to being added Top Flight Virtual.
- Please understand that each person who signs up is manually verified and added by our team, so do not stress if you don't have immediate access as it takes time to get through emails and accept each person. If you are not added within 3-5 business days then please contact via EMAIL not DM. If you send multiple emails, that only creates more work and will take you out of priority.
-This is a subscription, so payments are recurring unless you cancel, which can be done at anytime, however please make sure your selected payment option is one that can be charged monthly
-There are NO REFUNDS, so if you choose to cancel before the month end you will not get your money back. Please note that once you cancel, you will lose access on that day or shortly thereafter.
Cancellations/ Updating Payment:
- To cancel you can email or there's an option to cancel from your charge receipt. Also you can go to your gumroad library to manage your subscription.
-To update your payment information, if you have a gumroad account you can go to the billing section of your account settings. Any issues doing so, contact
***This is not associated with any future courses or ebooks, purchase of either of those does not give you automatic access to Top Flight Virtual***
Top Flight Virtual Private Instagram